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The Basics of the Thai Education Visa

Apart from being a major tourist hub in South East Asia, Thailand is also fast becoming the preferred choice for higher education among foreign students, as well as an enjoyable destination to learn a unique culture and language. If you are interested to study in Thailand, you will need to apply for a Student Visa to enable your stay throughout the whole duration of your degree. As much as possible, it is best to apply for this visa prior to your arrival in Thailand.
There are several highly-esteemed universities in Thailand offering a wide range of advanced programs in business, the arts, and science. Procedures for application vary per school, as some may require submission of your previous education records and other related documents via email, while some may require a personal submission. Application fees also vary and personal appearances are required for registration. 
Once your application is accepted, you will receive an official acceptance letter from the university with the school letterhead, confirming that you are accepted to the program and indicating the date that you will begin your study. This is the primary legal requirement to applying for the Thai Education Visa.
In applying for your Education Visa, you will need to submit your acceptance letter along with your passport and passport-sized photographs to the Royal Thai Consulate or Embassy nearest you. If you are already in Thailand with a 60-day Tourist Visa, you can change into an Education Visa without leaving the country during the first 30 days of your visa. 
You need to study for at least one semester to get the Thai Education Visa, which is valid for one year. When you get this visa for the first time, it is only valid for 90 days. This gives you ample time to register and pay for your school fees. You will need to submit a copy of your registration details to obtain the full one-year validity of the Education Visa. You will also need to notify the Immigration Bureau of your current address every 90 days to avoid the risk of losing your visa.


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